Programme Objectives
PAIDAR will support the Government of Sindh (GoS) in the implementation of its Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS). The long-term objective of PAIDAR is to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction and the improvement of livelihoods of disadvantaged women, men and young people across Sindh province. The programme aims to achieve the following outcomes:
▪ Outcome 1: Public services in rural Sindh are increasingly available and accessible to the less privileged population.
▪ Outcome 2: Increased (self-) employment in the Urban Economic Clusters, with specific focus on women and youth.
Programme Target Beneficiaries
Government institutions: Relevant departments of the Government of Sindh at provincial, district and local levels will benefit from capacity-building support provided by PAIDAR.
▪ Support institutions and business development service providers: Technical and non-technical (financial) support institutions and business development service providers.
▪ Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs): The MSMEs will benefit directly from PAIDAR by:
– having access to financial support provided by PAIDAR through a grant scheme;
– receiving training, capacity building and technical advice tailored to their needs; and
– receiving equipment and necessary technological upgrading support.
▪ Disadvantaged communities and households: The ultimate beneficiaries of the programme are disadvantaged households, including women, men, and children who are currently living in multidimensional poverty with limited access to basic services and economic opportunities.
Programme Approach
PAIDAR will concentrate on fostering economic development, and targeting the most vulnerable, in particular through support for enterprise development, focusing on Rural Growth Centres and Urban Economic Clusters under PRS implementation. To this end, the programme will:
▪ provide necessary financial and technical support to a significant number of enterprises to aid their development as a vehicle for employment creation;
▪ contribute technically and financially to building and upgrading public infrastructure to improve the delivery of basic services for enhancing livelihoods and encouraging local economic development; and
▪ help the GoS to strengthen internal coordination and monitoring and to optimize provincial public resource allocation towards meeting PRS objectives.
Paidar at a glance
Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh, Directorate of Urban Regional Policy & Strategic Planning
Government institutions, Support institutions and business development service providers, Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, Disadvantaged communities and households
April 2022 to March 2027
Implementing Agency
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
European Union (EU)