Innovative approaches to #PovertyReduction under the EU-funded and UNIDO-implemented programme.

Posted on: 18 Sep 2024

European Union and UNIDO's decades-long partnership promotes poverty alleviation, industrial growth, and trade capacities in Pakistan.

PAIDAR's innovative approach through focusing on: Livelihoods, basic services, infrastructure. Clustering approach for fostering growth. Partnerships as catalysts, mobilizing public and private sector investments. Grateful to the UNIDO Director General Gerd Müller for driving the discussion and special shoutout to the EU Ambassador to the International Organizations in Vienna H.E. Mr. Carl Hallergård, and Pakistan’s representative to the Permanent UN Mission in Vienna, Mr. Aftab Ahmad Khokar for their deep collaboration and ownership. Moving forward, we aim to reach the most vulnerable, ensuring a brighter future for men, women, and young people in Sindh.